About the Book

Finding themselves young empty nesters, Gene Rivas and his lovely wife wanted to experience the young life one last time. After seeing salsa dancing at a New Year’s eve party in 2000, they dove into the tantalizing salsa social dance scene that became filled with comical predicaments and side splitting situations.

From Anchorage to Mexico, and through the U.S., Gene Rivas reveals a dance journey filled with intrigue, beauty, and most of all, unabashed fun. If you’ve ever considered social dancing, you’ll want to read this first, just in case you have any lingering doubts about the fun you might have.

Read about the dance partner who will take your breath away and have you running for oxygen.

The dance partner who will make you run for your life.

The dance partner more beautiful than Helen of Troy and who stopped not one, but two armies.

The dance partner who will make you wake up with screaming nightmares.

The dance partner who wore such a revealing dress that her husband almost passed out.

And the dance partner who will make your cheeks cramp from smiling so much.

Written for non-dancers and dancers alike, forty short stories take you on the dance floor and capture the exciting interaction between a legion of diverse dance partners.

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